March 16, 2020 American TikTok user @avalouiise has pretty much surpassed the stupidity of the “Tide Pod Challenge.” She uploaded...
April 27, 2022 NEW YORK CITY—A NYC pediatrician spent the COVID-19 pandemic complaining online about her 12-hour, full PPE frontline...
July 7, 2020 This incident happened on July 4th. An Asian family, husband, wife, 11-year-old daughter, and a 11 pound...
May14, 2020 An American company named “The Dude’s Designs” (named after Jeff Bridges character from Big Lebowski) has apparently been...
March 24, 2020 It was a date that would live in infamy. President Donald Trump held a press conference last...
October 17, 2020 FRISCO, Texas—14-year-old Indian-American Anika Chebrolu won a $25,000 prize after presenting her potential treatment for COVID-19 at...
May 24, 2020 The alleged attack happened Friday afternoon around 2:30 pm in Bishop James Mahoney Park in Saskatoon, Canada,...
August 18, 2020 Armor Valor Corrales says his great aunt MaryLou was loading groceries into her car parked outside the...
March 26, 2020 Keith Lawrence Middlebrook, 53, whose movie credits include tiny parts in Iron Man 3, Thor, and Moneyball,...
April 18, 2020 Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Representative Dan Crenshaw of Texas introduced a bill on April...
April 11, 2021 OAKLAND, California—Proving once again California’s Woketopia has reached its zenith, the Oakland Police Department is trying to...
November 10, 2020 “I believe it was racially motivated,” victim Zhang Yunhan told AsAmNews. “I cannot imagine another angle of...