Asian Owned Pharmacy Stormed by Seven Looters in San Jose

June 4, 2020

Garcia Pharmacy, a family-owned drugstore in Downtown San Jose was vandalized and looted Sunday night around 9 pm, according to ABC7.

In just two minutes, seven hooligans broke into the pharmacy via a shattered window and caused almost $300,000 worth of damage. The hooligans also got away with medication meant for hundreds of patients throughout the Bay Area.

“The window was smashed and everything inside was just a mess. They shot off the fire extinguisher all over the medication. So, I have to destroy those medications, it’s not sanitary,” stated owner James Wong to ABC7.

Wong estimated the medication theft to be around $50,000. Wong continued to say he’s not so much worrying about the money, but the patients not getting their medication treatment. Garcia Pharmacy services mental health patients, clinics, and adult residential facilities.

“One guy was actually taking the time to read the label and kind of knew what he wanted. The other individuals just seemed to grab everything they could,” Wong explained.

“But they definitely came prepared. They threw a tire iron through the window, and they had duffel bags ready to take a lot of stuff. They cleared out all of our deliveries for Monday morning.”

“It’s very dangerous. Some of these medications are controlled, some are non-controlled. Depending if they take it incorrectly, they’re going to hurt themselves. They put it in the water supply, the water filtration can only do so much. It’s really, really dangerous,” explained Wong.

“I really do hope things get better for our community. It hurts everyone, the looting,” Wong said. “I’m for the protest, but the looting’s got to stop.”

Feature Screenshots via ABC7

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