Stockton 7-Eleven Clerk Won’t Be Charged with Assault, DA Implies

August 9, 2023

STOCKTON, CA—Two Stockton 7-Eleven clerks seen on video defending their property and themselves from a would-be thief “shouldn’t expect to be charged in connection with the viral beatdown,” the San Joaquin District Attorney implied on Tuesday.

“The Stockton 7-11 Store Clerks are not & have never been, suspects of the San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office,” District Attorney Ron Freitas said in a statement. “Any Investigation going forward is to hold accountable the individual who threatened & attempted to rob them.”

The now-viral video of the July 29 incident gained national attention last week, which showed an African-American emptying shelves of cigarettes and other products from the store’s shelves into a trash bin.

The clip shows one clerk pinning the suspect while the Sikh clerk beats to thief down with a stick/pole.

Police said they believe the same thief was believed to have robbed the store two other times within the same 24-hour period, reports KCRA.

They said that after their investigation concludes, they would forward the findings to the San Joaquin County district attorney for review.

Feature Screenshots via Yo_Folkers

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