Asian Woman Burned with Acid

April 17, 2021

NASSAU COUNTY, New York—This absolutely disgusting attack happened to a 21-year-old woman named Nafiah from Hofstra University. A GoFundMe page has been set up with actual footage of her attack.

“Our neighbor and good friend Nafiah is a 21 year old college student at Hofstra University. She is a Sewanhaka High School/New Hyde Park High School alum. We are telling her story with her permission. On the night of March 17th as Nafiah and her mom were walking inside from their car, an unknown person ran up to Nafiah and threw acid in her face.

The unknown attacker knew how dangerous the acid was as they were seen on camera wearing gloves. The attacker used a dark brown acid known to cause blindness and severe burning. Had the acid gotten into Nafiah’s lungs she would have died. When Nafiah screamed it caused the acid to go into her mouth, burning her tongue and throat, which prevented her from breathing. When Nafiah ran into her house and her parents saw her, they immediately tried to help her, but in the process the acid burned their hands and forearms as well.  If her parents were not home to help her and call 911 right away she would not have made it.

The acid caused severe burning on Nafiah’s face, eyes, chest, and arms. Nafiah was wearing contact lenses that night and the acid melted the contact lenses onto her eyes. We don’t know if Nafiah will ever regain vision again.

Image via GoFundMe

The goal amount has been set by taking into consideration the several different expenses that this family has and will continue to incur due to this attack. Your donation will pay for medical expenses not covered by insurance, home security, legal fees, and loss of income as Nafiah and her mother are out of work during this time.

The photos attached of Nafiah’s eye and wrists give only a glimpse into the extent of injuries she has sustained to her face, chest, eyes, and throat.

Nafiah has stayed incredibly strong throughout this horrific event. Nafiah’s only wish is that the attacker is caught so that she can feel safe in her own home.”

Donate to her GoFundMe by clicking HERE

Feature Images via GoFundMe

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